Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Started reading Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting

 This is basically notes on what I have read so far.
He has a theory on how different plane angles affect the value of a specific plane. 
For example
  • Light Source = sky
  • Lightest value = horizontal plane
  • Medium value = slopes (mountains, hills, etc.)
  • Darkest value = Verticals like tree mass
Basically you try to define the masses of values into a few large shapes.

He also discusses the different weather affecting the quality of light and values.

When you first start to paint you should note what about the scene catches your eye. Then design your painting to emphasize that motif.

  • 16: initial boring sketch
  • 12: emphasizes ground to left
  • 13: emphasizes sky's effect
  • 14: trees are prominent
  • 15: intimate view of buildings
Available light affects the tone and edges of objects. 
Would be a good idea to take lay a brilliantly colored object on a white cloth and study the effects of differing light (such as sunlight, gray day, moonlight, twilight) upon it.

To be continued?

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