Monday, August 10, 2020

Color Notes From Bob Blast #318 and book mentioned in Judith Reidy's Creative Zone

 I listened to Bob Blast 318 and he mentioned toning down bright colors with their complement. So I took my bright Derwent InkTense watercolor pencils and experimented. Some real interesting blends were made. 

Only half of swatch brushed with water

brush with pigment from above swatches.

Then Sherri Thomas in Judith Reidy's Creative Zone Zoom meeting recommended "Limited Palette, Unlimited Color by John Pototschnik. I found it here

In the discussion, Color Harmony Schemes were mentioned. I remember reading a book that sounded similar to John Pototschnik's book but I can't remember the name. I'll see if it sifts up in the future. 

Meanwhile I found a pdf by Bernina on Color Harmony Basics

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