Thursday, January 8, 2015

Some Inspiring Books

Show your work, 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered by Austin Kleon
Easy to read, entertaining. Motivation to learn and share what you are learning.

Creative Block, Get Unstuck, Discover new ideas by Danielle Krysa
Very interesting to learn from contemporary artists. Also interesting creative unblock projects. It's good to see artwork that is different from what I encounter here which is mainly representational.

Make it Mighty Ugly, Exercises and Advice for getting creative even when it ain't pretty by Kim Piper Werker
I love this title. Basically the book tells you to follow your true self and take chances. I like the title because it means that it's ok to make ugly things because that is one way to learn a skill. I read somewhere that she writes about the "dark side" of creativity. It seems that there can be a lot of angst associated with creativity. She also mentions social media as a way to connect to people who like to do the same things you like to do.

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