Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Artist & Display Pastel Class #5 & misc notes

Last class with Pam yesterday. We learned about oil pastels which are oil paint in a stick form. One brand is craypas. There are different grades, the cheaper student grades have a different binder to pigment ratio then the "artist" grades which use a higher quality of pigment. Also was introduced to Strathmore's Acrylic textured linen surface paper. Very durable. Can scrape on it and really work it. We painted 3 cups with saucers stacked vertically on 2 books.

You can work dark to light, layering in to reveal canvas under neath. A plastic card or palette knive can be used to scrape off thick layers, then the scrapings can be reapplied. (Scraping is fun.) Can use white or a lighter color on top to lighten. Going from dark to light, hard to get an absolute white, so...

You can work light to dark, laying down your highlights and light areas first.

Oil pastels can be blended with your hand or a paper towel. One lady in my class uses baby oil to blend it for a softer look.

Oil pastels seem cheaper than regular pastels, so I bought 2 Strathmore Acrylic textured linen surface pads and different quality paste sets; Pentel Arts Oil Pastels 25 colors, Cray-pas Expressionist 16 colors and Cray-pas Specialist 12 colors. Messed around with it last night before bed. Seems to be a pretty forgiving medium.

Vine charcoal and white charcoal on brown paper sketches working very well.

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