Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Artist & Display Pastel Class #4 & misc notes

Pastel Class #4

Instead of doing the traditional linear method (Draw with hard pastel, fill in with hard then soft pastel, then draw lines with hard pastel) we did a draw the value shapes method. Worked all around the paper by filling in first the darks, then the mediums and last the light values. Edges were formed when 2 shapes met each other. Concentrate on the mass of shapes and forms.

She also discussed the geometry of some flowers.
  • A tulip is basically shaped like a teacup with an ellipse on the top and bottom. Petals fit in around the ellipse. All petals start from the same place on the stem.
  • For an iris, just draw the shapes that you see
  • The middle part of a daffodil is basically a cylinder with frilly stuff on it. It has 6 petals, the top 3 form a triangle and the lower ones fill in between.
She also said art is about taking risks. I think what she means is you have to willing to experiment, make mistakes and not worry too much about the final product. For me a risky endeavor is one where you stand a good chance of being hurt or killed and I don't think that's too likely with pastel painting.

Broke down and bought a 5 pan set of pan pastels, red, white, blue, yellow and black. Been experimenting. The hardest part of pastels, any pastels, for me is putting it on dark. I have too light of a touch. It's halfway through April and I still don't have another good candidate for the vanishing farm exhibit.

Helped out last Wednesday at Pius. Worked an acetating table with Mom, sis, brother-in-law and miscellaneous helpers. We really put acetate on a lot of the kids projects and worked well as a team. It was funny, the guy in charge sent to people over to our table to be trained. Probably cause we worked more than we talked. No more upcoming Pius volunteer work this week. I think they're having an exhibit tonight.

My experiment with using Aquabee Fashion Design Bold Bogus Rough Sketch paper with vine charcoal and white for portrait sketching at Milwaukee Sketch Club is working real well. I gave one to the model and the others are taped to a wall in my house.

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