Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Southridge pencil sketches 2/9/16

I thought it would be perfect to sit at the counter and look in, but we are a sociable group so put 3 tables together so we could sit and talk. A good time was had by all. Met a friend that I haven't seen for years!
 I was looking at these 3 guys playing cards. Still don't have the proportions right. Someday in the future it would be nice to make a painting of "The Card Players at Southridge Mall."
 I inked at home after I took these pictures. Tried scanning in the inked pictures but didn't look very good. So back to my indifferent photography.
 I really liked this guys mustache and hat. He was quite lively. Kept moving and pulling his jacket back up over one shoulder.
Practiced using my Tombow markers after I got home just on this sketch.

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