Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Carl Judson Talk at Richeson, Kimberly WI 7/6/15

Went to Richeson with 2 friends to listen to Carl's "Paint outside the Box" talk yesterday. Very enjoyable. He gave us a list of painters who plein air painted and talked about them. I'd like to learn more about these painters.

He gave us his 4th book and I bought his 3rd book. I already had books 1 and 2.

He said that he uses plein air painting as a way to explore and understand the world around him. A personal approach to painting for private enrichment. I like that.

He showed us some paintings he did in acrylics on panels while riding as a passenger. He's incorporating maps.

Also bought 3 shiva oil sticks, yellow, red, & blue. I was going to use them tonight when I plein air paint at Hart Park but the feel is more like oil pastels so at a minimum I will need to add a white, black, possibly gray and maybe a colorless blender


 Here's a pen doodle/ contour sketch of Carl from my notebook.

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