Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wales Village Hall, in process oil pastel, 6x8, 7/17/15

John, Vivian, and I went to Wales, Wisconsin to plein air paint. Very scenic and the women in the village hall were very nice. They took our picture but I don't see it up on their website or facebook page.

The weather started out cloudy but then the clouds started to break up and the sun started showing up at times. So decided to put in the shadows. We had a nice breeze so it was pretty comfortable. However by the time we left the sun was out and it started getting hot. It reached over 90F and was very humid.

I stood up and when I sat down, all of sudden I saw the left edge of the window on the other side of the pillar so I put it in. I liked the reflections of a house in the window echoing the pointy top of the post. However you can't see the reflections in the photo.

We spent a lot of time talking before starting to work so didn't get as far as I would have like to.

 John is using a flow additive from Home Depot for Latex paint. He wants the acrylic paint to not drag so much. I found a similar additive at Menards but didn't buy it. I forgot the names.

Learned how to fix keystoning in photoshop elements. Quite a process, but it works good enough. See http://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-fix-keystone-issues-in-photoshop-elements/

Monday, July 20, 2015

Zentangle at Martini Girls 7/15/15

Went to journaling night with my friends at Martini Girls studio.

Substrate: Gessoed Cardboard, 6x8 and 8x8
Media: Pigma brush markers

Put Behr Faux glaze over this first one. Made some interesting wrinkly texture.  Also put the Faux glaze over one of the oil pastel zentangles from a previous week. Doesn't seem to be causing any problems so far.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

6x8 oil stick in progress (Butch the Barber in the Caboose)

 I used the blender stick to cover the canvas panel before starting. It gave a yellow cast and took several days to dry. Then sketched the overall shapes in colored pencil before starting to paint.
Blocked in the basic shapes with underneath colors. Yellow ochre for the box car and green for the darks plus a moss green for grayish areas. The light blue I have is not a clean blue.

Let it dry overnight. Did not dry in 1 hour. Might be due to the 80F+ weather and high humidity.
Started adding basic colors and refining shapes. I'm keeping the oil sticks in a plastic box so they don't skin over so fast. Had to peel off quite a thick skin using a plastic knife. Fingernails work OK but then you have paint under your finger nails. Using rolled up bits of paper towel to blend.

 Here's the picture of Butch that I took. I see some things I need to change.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Barbershop Caboose, 8x6 oil pastel with colored pencil 7-9-15

A group of us decided to head over to Carroll University and meet in the union's parking lot at East Ave and Wright. Due to summer school the lot was full so we drove down the hill on East Avenue to the parking lot near the used bookstore. Not very interesting scenery there so we headed over to Estacion Restaurant area.

We met Butch, an 88 year old Barber who still cuts hair Tuesday - Saturday mornings. He works in a caboose. So I decided to paint his caboose as a memory of meeting him. While we were sitting in front of the 400 club where Les Paul played guitar a semi truck made a delivery at the club. Talked to the driver a little after he went across the street to talk with Butch and get his hair cut. Butch cut his hair pretty fast.

John made a panel holder for his left handed guerilla box that he uses when painting acrylics.

Here's my painting steps and the colors used.

I thought these arches were very interesting.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hart Park 6x8 oil pastel - work in progress 7/7/15

Met up with Marcia and painted 70th st bridge. Visited with Mark and Cindy. They plan to paint Wednesday morning and were just scoping up places to paint. Later on walked over and visited with Al, Roger, Juanita, and Tim.

 Here's the colors I used. Struggled quite a bit with this painting

Painted on 6x8 canvas panel prepared with 3 coats of thinned gesso.

Here's after I went home, melted the oil pastel under a lamp and blended. Probably will work on this some more.

Decided to scrape it off.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Carl Judson Talk at Richeson, Kimberly WI 7/6/15

Went to Richeson with 2 friends to listen to Carl's "Paint outside the Box" talk yesterday. Very enjoyable. He gave us a list of painters who plein air painted and talked about them. I'd like to learn more about these painters.

He gave us his 4th book and I bought his 3rd book. I already had books 1 and 2.

He said that he uses plein air painting as a way to explore and understand the world around him. A personal approach to painting for private enrichment. I like that.

He showed us some paintings he did in acrylics on panels while riding as a passenger. He's incorporating maps.

Also bought 3 shiva oil sticks, yellow, red, & blue. I was going to use them tonight when I plein air paint at Hart Park but the feel is more like oil pastels so at a minimum I will need to add a white, black, possibly gray and maybe a colorless blender


 Here's a pen doodle/ contour sketch of Carl from my notebook.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

8x6 oil pastel, Miniwaukan Park

I was feeling a little stressed out this week so thought about not going but then my friends were coming and we were going to nice, quiet, Miniwaukan Park. So I went and I was glad I did. Actually felt sad to leave.

Nice weather; sunny, cool 60-66F, with a slight breeze.

Felt like doing oil pastels. Experimented with 6x8 canvas panel that I painted multiple layers with thinned acrylic gesso. That substrate worked very well.

Here's the finished painting. Now I plan to let it cure for at least one month.

I coated the panel with a clear and rubbed in it. Then when lightly over it with spring green and a light pinkish color to block in the basic shapes. Then rubbed these colors into the panel to get the big shapes.
 Put in some darker colors here. Moved the bottom of the right tree down a little. Made the big tree a little narrower.
Rubbed in the colors with fingers and/or paper towel. Tried a different shape for the path by wiping off some color. Got rid of the stump between the 2 trees. Removed the branches on the far left tree.
Went back to original path shape. Started putting in leaves for hickory trees. Also scratched trunks, etc. for texture. John gave me a good suggestion to darken the brush at the edge of the grass.
I set my drawing board on my lap and placed the panel on it. I only used about 10 colors of the softer, more pigment containing pastels, not counting the original clear blender that I put down originally.