Saturday, April 11, 2015

msc model 14 x 17 pastel on sketch paper

Someone asked me what was I using at sketch club because they said it really glowed. I told them pastels. They said they has some at home that they never used.

This model has really long hair almost down to her waist. I think I started out with green undertones. Ended up using black to make the darks darker. I don't think it deadened the painting. I used a combination of pink and yellow for the skin tones. I like to color in the back ground because it helps me adjust the edge better. This model would tilt her head back as she started to doze but she sat really still. I quick put in the hair because I found it never stays in the same position when the models come back from break. Now if I could just finish a sketch in 25' it wouldn't matter. I wonder when Tony will come back to sketch club. His wife is very ill. Cathy is leaving to close up her house in Arizona now that her husband is dead

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