Thursday, March 6, 2014

results of aborted sketching session

This time I went out in the middle of the day but got called back before I got very far. It was my second attempt to paint today. The first time after being released I got called back before I could start.
I am using an old box of nupastels, probably about 24 colors. It's hard to tell as it's an old box and it's all broken up. I generally have to blend the colors to get the shade and value that I want. For instance to get the sky, I used 3 blues and white. I generally start by sketching in the main shapes with a pastel stick close to the color of the paper. I use a cloth rag to wipe away my mistakes. Once I got the general shapes in I start to put in the darker base color then blend in the lighter colors on top. I like to stop at the top of the paper and work my way down to keep from dragging my jacket sleeve over the paper. I'm just using a drawing board and sitting on the ground. Looks like I'm free this morning so will try again, but now it's early morning so will have to start a new sketch. It looks like it will be sunny again.

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