Monday, March 3, 2014

9x12 Pastel Sketch of Indy House

Only had an hour before sunset to quick block this in. I think I got the proportions right but I didn't match the roof and green trim colors. I also couldn't see the right side of the building because a truck was parked there so made up something. I could see mountains in the distance. It's nice here, you can see really far. I might work some more on it but didn't bring workable fixative with me which is not available here. Also I think next time I paint this house I might move a little bit to the left. I put my garbage down on a pile of dirt to sit up a little higher. We'll see how much time I have and if the weather cooperates. (Yesterday it snowed.) As soon as it hits 5pm here the wind picks up and my hands get cold and stiff.

Also here is a picture my sister took of me. I think the colors in her photo are a bit washed out due to the bright sun. I felt that I got the color of the house walls correct and the intensity of the sky was pretty close too.

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