Saturday, March 29, 2014

pastel on newsprint male model

Decided to sit on the undraped side this week. Used rembrandt pastels.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

crocheted socks

Some socks I made a couple weeks ago based on this pattern from However they wouldn't stay up when I walked so I ripped the calves out and made ankle socks. The heel is pretty ingenious. I think double crochet is too loose so redid in half double crochet.

Now working on a plarn floor rug for the kitchen. Been going to New Berlin's Crochet club with my cousin.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

results of aborted sketching session

This time I went out in the middle of the day but got called back before I got very far. It was my second attempt to paint today. The first time after being released I got called back before I could start.
I am using an old box of nupastels, probably about 24 colors. It's hard to tell as it's an old box and it's all broken up. I generally have to blend the colors to get the shade and value that I want. For instance to get the sky, I used 3 blues and white. I generally start by sketching in the main shapes with a pastel stick close to the color of the paper. I use a cloth rag to wipe away my mistakes. Once I got the general shapes in I start to put in the darker base color then blend in the lighter colors on top. I like to stop at the top of the paper and work my way down to keep from dragging my jacket sleeve over the paper. I'm just using a drawing board and sitting on the ground. Looks like I'm free this morning so will try again, but now it's early morning so will have to start a new sketch. It looks like it will be sunny again.

Monday, March 3, 2014

9x12 Pastel Sketch of Indy House

Only had an hour before sunset to quick block this in. I think I got the proportions right but I didn't match the roof and green trim colors. I also couldn't see the right side of the building because a truck was parked there so made up something. I could see mountains in the distance. It's nice here, you can see really far. I might work some more on it but didn't bring workable fixative with me which is not available here. Also I think next time I paint this house I might move a little bit to the left. I put my garbage down on a pile of dirt to sit up a little higher. We'll see how much time I have and if the weather cooperates. (Yesterday it snowed.) As soon as it hits 5pm here the wind picks up and my hands get cold and stiff.

Also here is a picture my sister took of me. I think the colors in her photo are a bit washed out due to the bright sun. I felt that I got the color of the house walls correct and the intensity of the sky was pretty close too.