Friday, June 28, 2013

Waukesha Riverwalk bridge closeup, 7x5 acrylic, 6/27/13

I got there early before my friends, Donna and Vivien, arrived. John's painting at the fish hatchery this month. Walked around and took some pictures. River very high and dirty, stairs have been taped off with yellow and black safety tape. Water was over the river banks along the riverwalk in most places and coming up the steps. Rolling brown flood waters rushing very strong. Met up with Viv, we both looked around and chose an area to paint. Then we went back to our cars and got our equipment. There is now 3 hour parking on the south side of the river and a police woman was marking tires! No public bathrooms yet but can always buy a cup of tea at the Steaming Cup. I like their food too.

I had a picture in my mind and started blocking in the main shapes abstractly with large areas of general color. Used titanium white, ultramarine blue, hansa yellow opaque, and raw sienna as my red. Mixed my golden open acrylics with Behr Faux Glaze medium to slow down the dry as it was windy and warm even though we were under a shady tree. Need to bring damp paper towels for my palette. Summer is finally here and the acrylic paint it drying quicker. Green inchworms were dropping onto Vivien's palette from tree but none dropped on mine. Other than that, no bugs. However, if we were down at the river we probably would have gotten bitten by no-see-ums as they are out after all the rain. Quite a few people walked by, friendly and nice.

Waukesha's riverwalk and downtown area is one of my favorite places to paint as it has interesting buildings juxtaposed with park vegetation.

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