Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pictures in WPA's "Falling For You" at the Artbar Feb 5- Mar 8, 2010

Here's the pictures that I've entered into this show. It's a themed exhibit. Some people get all uptight about themed exhibits but the Wisconsin Pastel Artists group is extremely lenient of interpretation. I think working off an idea can help you expand and grow as an artist. With this theme, I immediately thought February, Valentine's Day, Love, so my family and friends helped me out by acting out love for me. Quite a few people entered into this show so it will be a good exhibit. Opening Reception with cash bar is Friday, February 5, starting at 7:00pm.

1 comment:

Marcias’s Art Stuff said...

Hey Kathy, love the paintings. I like themed exhibitions also. Who would've guessed? It narrows the choices a bit, I think.
