Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My current Artist's Statement

My art is a constant work in progress. it represents a playful, organic growth of ideas, documenting my journey into an exciting, unknown future.

I like to work and experiment with a series of new ideas. Experimenting and developing traditional areas such as plein air, live figure drawing and still-lifes help to further my expressive education. I continue to learn as a member of the Wisconsin Pastel Artists, AC Art Association and Milwaukee Sketch Club. I enhance these experiences by attending various workshops.

I currently work mostly with pastels, both oil and regular, for their immediateness of application and vibrant colors. I also enjoy acrylics. I do minimal blending, instead I prefer to layer, scrub and scratch design into the art so it seems to vibrate and come alive. I want the painting to reveal more depth the longer it is looked at.

I strive to express emotion rather than solely reality although there are realistic elements in my paintings. I love the excitement of working on a painting and experiencing the evolution of an idea to its final outcome.

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