Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pictures in WPA's "Falling For You" at the Artbar Feb 5- Mar 8, 2010

Here's the pictures that I've entered into this show. It's a themed exhibit. Some people get all uptight about themed exhibits but the Wisconsin Pastel Artists group is extremely lenient of interpretation. I think working off an idea can help you expand and grow as an artist. With this theme, I immediately thought February, Valentine's Day, Love, so my family and friends helped me out by acting out love for me. Quite a few people entered into this show so it will be a good exhibit. Opening Reception with cash bar is Friday, February 5, starting at 7:00pm.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oil Pastel Sketch Overlooking Vernon Marsh

It was a clear, sunny, very cool (about 10 degrees) day today. On a sunny day like this the light and dark contrast is more pronounced than on the cloudy, warmer days we had the last two times. A lot of the snow has melted from our warm weather last week and the grass is showing through in areas.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oil Pastel Sketch of Vernon Farm

Not too bad outside today. Just damp & overcast, so no interesting shadows from the sun. I had a hard time deciding what to paint but finally settled down & painted the shed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Richard W. Patt 1 hour acrylic landscape demo at AC art association

Here some info about him:
He challenges himself to complete a landscape painting in one hour from his imagination.
  • He usually tones the surface of the canvas. At this demo he used a bright yellow but depending on the painting he may use a very dark brown.
  • He works fairly large, 30 x 30" starting out with a 3" regular cheap hardware store paint brush then using a larger cheap bristle brush.
  • At the end to tie his painting together after everything is dry he goes over with a diluted, staining color like Indian yellow hue or Quinacridone burnt orange.
  • Sometimes he goes on and adds to these paintings using a palette knife.
It's important to know how to draw but not necessary to tie yourself to a detailed drawing. The faster you paint the less distracted by little details that may be less important. He's been using the square format lately and used about 10 planes in his demo.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Some conte sketches from Tuesday night sketch club

Very cold (<60F) again in the basement. Hopefully next week the heat will be turned up.

My current Artist's Statement

My art is a constant work in progress. it represents a playful, organic growth of ideas, documenting my journey into an exciting, unknown future.

I like to work and experiment with a series of new ideas. Experimenting and developing traditional areas such as plein air, live figure drawing and still-lifes help to further my expressive education. I continue to learn as a member of the Wisconsin Pastel Artists, AC Art Association and Milwaukee Sketch Club. I enhance these experiences by attending various workshops.

I currently work mostly with pastels, both oil and regular, for their immediateness of application and vibrant colors. I also enjoy acrylics. I do minimal blending, instead I prefer to layer, scrub and scratch design into the art so it seems to vibrate and come alive. I want the painting to reveal more depth the longer it is looked at.

I strive to express emotion rather than solely reality although there are realistic elements in my paintings. I love the excitement of working on a painting and experiencing the evolution of an idea to its final outcome.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some in process pastels

I'm experimenting with a larger size (16x20" framed) pastels for the February WPA exhibit "Falling for You". Right now I'm just working on getting the big shapes right. I like to do multiple unblended layers so the pictures are not static. Pastel is very forgiving so I can keep at it until I like it. So far some tenative titles are: Catch me!, Laugh with me, Let's Dance and Surprise!