Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Design Drawing & Color Theory - Class 1

Watched a video and learned a little bit about 10 Renaissance artists, their accomplishments and contributions to the history and evolution of art: Giotto- perspective, Ghiberti- human form, Donatello- Contrapposto, Uccello- depth, Masaccio- emotion/drama, della Francesca- chiaroscuro, Botticelli- nonchristian subject matter, da Vinci- science, analysis, sfumato, Raphael- balance, composition and Michelangelo- sculpture, painting.

Activity 1- practiced making marks with pencils ranging from 6B-6H, #3 and #8 micron pens, blue non-reproducing pencil and erasing with white vinyl erasor.

Activity 2- practiced copying and duplicating the lines of a drawing by Topolski.

Watched a video on Albrecht Durer. Now using Grid to copy a drawing for Assessment #1.

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