Tuesday, November 11, 2008

San Angelo, Texas

Some pictures of San Angelo murals and quick plein air sketches. Visited relatives in San Angelo, Texas last weekend. Had a great time with my relatives. Angelo folks were very friendly.
  • Went to the Kendal Art Gallery (home of the San Angelo Art Club) http://www.sanangeloartclub.org/ ,
  • Did a quick plein air in the park at the foot of the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, http://www.samfa.org/ . Also a neat tile mosaic bug car is near there.
  • We viewed the historic murals,http://www.historicmuralsofsanangelo.org/ and also some cool alley murals that my cousin found in Alley 2 and other alleys.
  • There's also a neat mural of 3 longhorns in the shopping center http://www.sunsetmall.com just outside of Barbed Wire & Roses.
  • Did another quick plein air in a disc golf park, Brentwood park which had a stone lined revetment running through the park to direct water. For more info on the park see http://www.sanangelotexas.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={16FFA976-9FFB-484D-944D-E25CB22A0863} and http://www.discgolfscene.com/courses/Brentwood_Park .

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