Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another possibility for about.com July/August abstracted urban painting project

Last month I was sitting outside The Steaming Cup having a cup of coffee with a friend, in downtown Waukesha http://steamingcupwaukesha.com , when we saw these men fixing up the building next door. So I took some pictures. I am very fascinated with men at work.

Downtown Waukesha has some really interesting and excellent buildings to paint. I think maybe we should do a plein air there. There's a gallery right across the street from the Steaming Cup.

Regarding this picture, I wonder if I should make the upper right darker so there's more focus in the center of the picture. My pictures so far are better viewed at a distance rather than close up. I really like oil pastels, the way they feel, even if you do have to save the whites.

1 comment:

DavidA said...

Nice job, Kathy! Your vacation seems to have helped your art. Just imagine what a trip to Texas will do for your art!