Monday, July 7, 2008

Wisconsin Pastel Artist Meeting on July 2, 2008

The meeting minutes have been posted on and it was a good meeting.

Highlights of the meeting for me were:
  • We are a member of IAPS (International Association of Pastel Societies) which has competitions and an upcoming convention in Albuqurquee NM in May 2009.
  • Terry Stanley will be teaching a one day class in September
  • 29 WPA artists with 51 paintings are exhibiting in the Vanishing Farm exhibit at the One Way gallery and cafe at 1425 underwood avenue in Wauwatosa July 7-August 15. Opening reception Friday, July 11, 2008. I think that is real cool.
An overview of upcoming WPA exhibitions:
  • United Methodist Church, Whitefish Bay "Open Door Gallery" August 18-October 15, 2008.
  • Schauer Art Center, Hartford WI, Spring 2009, April 4-May 18, 2009
  • Plymouth Arts Center, , Gallery 110 North, January 18-March 15, 2009
  • Someone mentioned the Wisconsin Regional Art Program which was created to encourage wisconsin artists. , ,
  • Ray a member of WPA is currently exhibiting at the New Berlin Library July 1-31, 2008
  • Presentation by for business card CDs and DVDs. They put together the presentation for our submission to the Plymouth Arts Center.
  • Mastering Composition by Ian Roberts video presentation not seen due to technical difficulties.

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