Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Richeson Tour & Plein Air June 30, 2008

This is going to be really abbreviated because I'm really tired. Richeson tour was excellent and Terry was an excellent hostess/ambassador/tour guide. Linda Richeson was sweet and lovely. Had a great time painting.

Learned some things from various people:
  • Can use exacto knife with white pastel to get those sparkles in the water. Just press the white bits into the paper.
  • 6B charcoal pencil and white charcoal pencil can be used to add darks and lights. The white doesn't look so white.
  • There's a black vinyl? thing that's shaped like a big round brush with handle that can be used on pastels for blending and wiping off excess color
  • Drawing the background then adding the white bridge over it, keeps the white from being too white because white is usually never white.
  • Good idea to do a value drawing before starting to paint outside to fix the values and colors into your head. Outside there is changing light conditions. Need to look for the values and the warm/coolness of colors.
  • Liptis? is a renewable hard wood that grows from it's stump in 7 years and is being used for easels.
  • Richeson is the single remaining easel manufacturer in US? Their easels are made of Red Oak.
  • Need to treat your easels yearly with easel oil or mineral oil? to keep the wood from drying out.
  • Terry recommended Steven Quiller's book "Color Choices."

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