Monday, February 25, 2019

5x7 PSG sketchbook pages

working on a sketchbook for Portrait Society Gallery Charity Auction, for more info see

They provided us with a "Scout Books" 5x7 sketchbook of 16 pages.

 Regular mechanical pencil and Inktense pencils.
 But the sketchbook paper wrinkles when blended the inktense pencil with water.and bubbled. I couldn't get it to lie flat even when I ironed it. So coated all the backs of the pages with gesso.

This picture is a doodle using Tombow dual brush pensfollowed the valleys and peaks of the paper that morphed from a tree to a clown.

 Some mechanical pencil pictures when I met up with my sketching buddies at Starbucks this week. Very crowded. Could only get a 4 person table. Luckily only 4 of us came.
 The eraser on the back of the pencil was smudging rather than erasing so I used the eraser smudge to blend the pencil lines.

This was a real smudgy pencil so sprayed all the pages of the sketchbook with workable fixative.

 If I have time might go back in with color to enhance sketches.

Inktense overlapping blind contour experiment. I think I need more value contrast. Need to remember to save whites of paper or go over it with white?

Paper still wrinkling. Maybe I should coat both sides of paper with gesso?

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