Friday, October 12, 2018

drawthis practice 5.5x8.5 pencil

Reading Essential Techniques of Landscape Drawing by Suzanne Brooker. Great book! I am trying to learn how to hold the pencil like she says on pp 20-22.

I like drawing people too so that's why I chose to sketch people from drawthis!

Some books I'd like to study when I get back to painting:
  • Landscape Painting Inside & Out by Kevin Macpherson (except I'd probably work in acrylic or gouche)
  • The Painterly Approach by Bob Rohm
(I heard an interview of these Artists on Plein Air Art Podcast by Erik Rhoads and picked up some hints and ideas)

Read Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey. Very well written. Here's what I got out of it.

There are 4 types of tasks:
  • Productive + unattractive = necessary
  • Productive + attractive = purposeful
  • Unproductive + unattractive = unneccessary
  • Unproductive + unattractive = distracting 
There are 4 types of interruptions/ distractions:
  • No Control + annoying which you have to deal with
  • Control + annoying such as phone alerts, email which you have to deal with
  • No Control + fun which you enjoy
  • Control + fun such as social media which you may enjoy
He discussed using hyperfocus to be productive and scatterfocus modes for creativity. He suggested a 15' break every 90' will make you most productive. Some breaks are more relaxing than others, one of the things he suggested was a walk, getting away from electronic media, reading something fun...

3 types of scatterfocus:
  • Capture mode where you identify what on your mind. (Keep notes as things come up in your mind so you can schedule or plan to do in future?)
  • Problem-crunching where you mullover a specific idea or problem
  • Habitual where you engage in a simple task so you can recharge and connect the greatest amount of ideas.

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