Monday, May 28, 2018

4x6 pen and pencil sketches, upnorth and spring flowers

wood anemone, trillium

strawberry blossoms, trillium

Experimented with sketching from pictures on my phone for the flowers while a passenger in the car on the way home. The road was a little bumpy but not too bad. Mosquitoes were pretty fierce in the shade so couldn't sketch in the woods unless I would have had mosquito hat with netting and wore gloves. As soon as I paused they would land on the back of my hands. At least I wasn't breathing them in. Quite hot, in the 90s which is very unusual for May and upnorth. The water was quite comfortable for swimming and not icy cold. No blue feet, hands, and lips. However I still wore light, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and floppy hat which are all sprayed with mosquito repellent. (I can't put most sprays and lotions directly on my skin without getting itchy rashes and/or constricted throat.) I think wearing protective clothing is actually cooler than letting the sun beat down directly on your skin.

Made the pencil dark enough so it scanned in ok.
Of course everyone knows what trilliums and strawberries look like but I forgot about the wood anemone.
Found a pretty good guide online, but still don't know what the purple flowers are.

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