Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hoyt Park, 9x12 watercolor pens and wc pencil, 5/25/18

My goal is to learn how to plein air paint in watercolor and watercolor pencil more or less. It will probably be a more mixed media type painting.

Monday, May 28, 2018

4x6 pen and pencil sketches, upnorth and spring flowers

wood anemone, trillium

strawberry blossoms, trillium

Experimented with sketching from pictures on my phone for the flowers while a passenger in the car on the way home. The road was a little bumpy but not too bad. Mosquitoes were pretty fierce in the shade so couldn't sketch in the woods unless I would have had mosquito hat with netting and wore gloves. As soon as I paused they would land on the back of my hands. At least I wasn't breathing them in. Quite hot, in the 90s which is very unusual for May and upnorth. The water was quite comfortable for swimming and not icy cold. No blue feet, hands, and lips. However I still wore light, long pants, long sleeve shirt, and floppy hat which are all sprayed with mosquito repellent. (I can't put most sprays and lotions directly on my skin without getting itchy rashes and/or constricted throat.) I think wearing protective clothing is actually cooler than letting the sun beat down directly on your skin.

Made the pencil dark enough so it scanned in ok.
Of course everyone knows what trilliums and strawberries look like but I forgot about the wood anemone.
Found a pretty good guide online, but still don't know what the purple flowers are.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

PAA 4x6 pen 5/23/18

This book doesn't lay flat enough to scan well.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

aasew 10.5x8 pen 5/21/18

A guy sitting behind me leaned forward and said "Nice thumb" I said thanks.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5/17/18 Mukwonago Field Day 3x5 pen

always a challenge to sketch moving people

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Cherry tomato brush pens 5/10/18

feeling rather tired. So only drew one cherry tomato. The overlapping shadows are interesting

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Grapefruit slice waterbrush pen 5/9/18

Think I'm on the way to figuring out these dark preloaded paint brush pens.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

pen 5/8/18 and more brush pen experiments snack, trees

quick visit today. just the shots for mom, no infusion.

Whining a wee bit about how the brush pens are too dark.

Experimenting with painting the paper with water then lightly touching brush pen to paper and blending with clean brush.

Listened to a podcast on The Jealous Curator with Ashley Longshore. Very interesting and gave her marketing techniques. At sketchclub I believe Carol, Bonita's friend said we should talk about how to sell our out because it's piling up.

I would link her to these following podcasts but she doesn't have a computer or a smart phone.
 (I put Ashley last because she swears a lot but she has useful information for marketing on a shoestring.)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Feet 5/6/18 Yam slice 5/7/18

pen scribble from 3x5 notepad.
I'd like to set up to draw or paint the overlapping garages or houses on a bigger sheet of paper.

first drawn in pencil, then went back in later with those messy brush pens. I think the color of the yam is a pretty close match.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Expresso Love 9x12 pencil 5/4/18

We were going to go to Indian Head Park but it was too wet and windy.

Monday, May 7, 2018

WA LL Class 5/3/18 pen 8x10.5

Someone waved me to sit by them. I wish I hadn't because I was not feeling sociable.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Speedy Ball Watercolor pens experiments 5/2-3/18 8x5.5

These pens are really messy and the colors are really dark.

After I got done with this sketch I thought about the jealous curator podcast I listened to on Amy Sherald who painted Michelle Obama's portrait.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

9x12 water color and water color pencil 4/27/18 Whitnal Park Overlook

about 50F, mostly sunny, light breeze.

Spring is coming, grass is starting to green up. Geese eating the new grass and turkeys running through the brush below.

Probably would have been better without the dead tree but that was what caught my eye.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

8x10.5 pen 4/26/18 Enter the world where the person is living in

Very informative and entertaining talk by Martin Schreiber about his life with his wife who has had alzheimers for the last 14 years.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

9x12 pencil starbucks muskego 4/20/18

I took these pictures outside with my iphone in the shade but the light is still uneven.
I think this ongoing sketching practice is improving my sketching ability. I don't care to smudge or blend since I use a technical pencil but instead use lines to change the value.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

9x12 pencil starbucks 76 & layton 4/13/18

This coffee house is a lot bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside. It has 3 large tables. However there is quite an odd phenomenon at coffee houses, the large tables are usually occupied by one person working on their computer.