Wednesday, August 5, 2015

8x6 acrylic, Forest Junction, 8/2/15

Decided to paint this. I liked the layering of dead end sign, house, evergreen tree, and the windy road.

I'm using to crop and resize pictures on a very lousy, old, under-powered computer

I drew in watered down burnt sienna. Then mixed 2 greens using cad yel med with ultramarine blue (darker green) and cerulean blue (more olive green). With white I used 5 colors. I picked this particular yellow cause it matched the sign.

I do a lot of layering of thin layers and draw with the end of the brush. I think it's because I learned pastels first. I may go back later with an art marker to label the sign.

The nature center is having Prairie Art next weekend just down highway 10 in Brillion.

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