Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Near Catalano Square 7x5 acrylic

I got there before my friends so sketched a little bit. Utrecht is pretty close to where we were last week. All around is metered parking except on Erie street towards the Hoan Bridge area where we were last week. I sat with Al & Roger. Al wanted to paint the umbrellas at Charlies but all these parked cars were in the way. So we moved a picnic table where no cars were parked but kept it in Catalano Square Park.

I used pthalo blue, titanium white, burnt sienna and hansa yellow light which is sort of a green yellow. Rather cool, around 70F, slight breeze. Golden opens were not drying so scraped back into the paint to put in the light pole and umbrellas. At first hardly any people but by the end there were quite a few.

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