Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Near Catalano Square 7x5 acrylic

I got there before my friends so sketched a little bit. Utrecht is pretty close to where we were last week. All around is metered parking except on Erie street towards the Hoan Bridge area where we were last week. I sat with Al & Roger. Al wanted to paint the umbrellas at Charlies but all these parked cars were in the way. So we moved a picnic table where no cars were parked but kept it in Catalano Square Park.

I used pthalo blue, titanium white, burnt sienna and hansa yellow light which is sort of a green yellow. Rather cool, around 70F, slight breeze. Golden opens were not drying so scraped back into the paint to put in the light pole and umbrellas. At first hardly any people but by the end there were quite a few.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trimborn Farm 6x8" acrylic 7/19/13

Met up with John about 8:30 am Friday morning. We decided to paint in the shade of a large tree but the shade kept moving, so I had to keep moving back. Ran out of time before I finished. Used Phtalo Blue which really matches the sky. The sky was definitely darker than the farm buildings and silos. Yellow ochre was a good yellow for the silos but probably needed a cleaner yellow for the greens. Alizarin Crimson worked well for the reddish farm building. Halfway through someone opened the barn door. Titanium white was used also.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hoan Bridge as Seen from Sail Loft Spirits and Dining on Erie Plaza in 3rd ward

Lake park is NOT located at 500 N Harbor Drive. That is near Discovery World. Pleasant breeze off the water. Restaurant not real busy (moderate amount of people eating outside) as it was a week night but I could see this area getting really busy on the weekend, holidays, and Summerfest.

Met up with Al, Cathy, Roger, and Ame.

Traffic was a bear going there at 5 and really bad getting home. Express backed up so took St. Paul to 35st to National Ave (backed up at MillerWay, maybe a train?) so jogged over on street behind Walmart Market and took Greenfield Ave the rest of the way.

Used titanium white, CP Cadmium Yel Medium (Wanted a more orangey yellow for bridge), Phthalo Blue-Green Shade to match the sky color and Burnt Sienna for red. No real bright reds here. Used damp paper towel on palette, mixed paints 1:1 with Behr Faux Glaze and sprayed occasionally with spray bottle so paints would not skin over or dry out due to wind and 90F temperature.

6x8 acrylic on canvas

Campaign for Kids

Last night I gave Al two of my matted and framed older paintings for this show along with the paperwork.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pen sketches

Hard week last week. Just did some pen sketches when I went to parade.
I find inanimate objects easier to draw than wiggly people but as I keep practicing I'll get better. We were on the shady side of the street. The people I was sketching were in the hot sun so they were uncomfortable.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

6x6 acrylic from Hart Park in Wauwatosa

Very overcast and in upper 60s in July!
I used titanium white, Paynes Gray for blue, Burnt Sienna for red, and Hansa Yellow Light. Paint was still wet when I got home.
Must have got interrupted, never published this.