8.5 x 5.5 Art alternatives multi-media sketch book. Miscellaneous sketches. The outside pictures I started in pencil, then inked over once indoors, except for the one where I used the brush pens. I'm trying to use up the colors in the brush pens as they are rather garish and that paint doesn't flow well when you damp the paper. I think the brush pens could better for washes if the color was less intense as they do not make very controlled fine marks.
Also a picture of me sketching outside that Jer took. Started out sunny and a warm 20F, then clouded over as you can probably tell from previous 9x12 watercolor sketch.
About this blog I started this blog to record my artistic journey and evolution as an artist.
I like to experiment so my art is a constant work in progress. Currently I do a lot of plein air painting with the Milwaukee Sketch Club and the results of these outdoor painting adventures are recorded here.
In addition I like to record various tips I learn that are useful to an artist, like framing or how to carry wet canvases.
I hope you enjoy my blog and hope that it inspires you to reach towards your own particular dreams/goals in life one day at a time.
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