Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cloudy Day Farm Watercolor 9x12"

Used just 3 colors (raw sienna, napthol red & cobalt blue) following About.com monthly painting project guidelines: http://painting.about.com/od/submissiongallery/ss/project-instructions-limited-palette.htm

Monday, January 30, 2012

Some pages from my sketchbook

8.5 x 5.5 Art alternatives multi-media sketch book. Miscellaneous sketches. The outside pictures I started in pencil, then inked over once indoors, except for the one where I used the brush pens. I'm trying to use up the colors in the brush pens as they are rather garish and that paint doesn't flow well when you damp the paper. I think the brush pens could better for washes if the color was less intense as they do not make very controlled fine marks.

Also a picture of me sketching outside that Jer took. Started out sunny and a warm 20F, then clouded over as you can probably tell from previous 9x12 watercolor sketch.

Lone Pine 9x12 pencil, ink, watercolor

Marinette County

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some pages from my sketchbook

Picked up a nice, flat, about 8.5 x 5.5 Art Alternatives sketchbook to experiment with. It was pretty cheap but the paper so far works pretty well.

Discovered that the Pentel Hybrid Technica pens are water soluble but that's not a problem. Ink reproduces better than pencil. I like using a cheap, plastic technical pencil as it keeps a decent point and I don't like sharpening pencils. I am learning to use a Prange watercolor kit.

I read
  • Watercolor Journeys by Richard Schilling
  • Traveling with your sketchbook by Joyce Ryan
  • Artist's Journal Workshop by Cathy Johnson
  • An Illustrated Life by Danny Gregory - Really liked this book.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blue Male 18x12 pastel

Decided to switch to smaller paper. It is very difficult to draw small.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Horn Feeds Mill 1/16/12

Pen & Marker. It was fun watching the train switch cars around.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Old Bank in Wales at the Corner of Main & Genessee 1/5/12

Pen, Marker. Canson Mixed Media 9x12 sketchbook.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wales Wood Shop on James? st. 12/26/11

Pencil, Technical Pen, Gel Pens & Markers in Canson XL Mix Media 9x12 sketchbook.