Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lower Phantom Lake at End of Lake Rd. Mequon

6x6 acrylic on canvas

Also here is a picture of my gear I've been using lately when painting acylics outdoors. I love my guerilla box and tripod. I also like the bamboo brush carrier. I clean my brushes on the spot with Masters soap which I leave in. I just rinse my brushes before using. I use rags not paper towels. I carry my canvases in my back pack along with insect repellent, allergy medicine and a cheap plastic rain poncho. Generally I wear layers. Hat, bandannas, vest, sweat jacket, windbreaker, long pants with pockets, t-shirt or turtle neck, long sleeve shirt. Don't generally wear shorts because of the insects. Mosquitoes, flies and gnats were still out up to last week. Now the weather is cool enough yet not too cold.

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