Sunday, October 31, 2010

Art Bar Mini Show - Tiny Art at Tiny Prices 11/5-1/3/2011

Here's some pieces that I'm putting in the Art Bar Mini Show,

The reception is this upcoming Friday November 5.

The way this show works is artwork is hung on the wall and as it is sold more is hung, Each piece has to 8x8" or smaller and less than $100.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Three 4x6 acrylics inspired by Mequon Nature Center

I'd really like to go back there and paint from the top of the observation tower.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DNR access trail to Vernon Marsh, 6x6 acrylic on canvas

Quite balmy 66F & humid. There are springs here where the water bubbles right up from underground.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Calhoun Park Pond 6x6 acrylic

It was rainy, humid and cool about 55 so the paint took longer to dry.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

7x5 acrylic on canvas

Field of yellow flowers near stadium.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lincoln Parkway, 5x7 acrylic on canvas

We went down into the riverbed to stay out of the wind. Not quite winter coat & glove weather yet but cool. No biting insects but I did see a cricket.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lower Phantom Lake at End of Lake Rd. Mequon

6x6 acrylic on canvas

Also here is a picture of my gear I've been using lately when painting acylics outdoors. I love my guerilla box and tripod. I also like the bamboo brush carrier. I clean my brushes on the spot with Masters soap which I leave in. I just rinse my brushes before using. I use rags not paper towels. I carry my canvases in my back pack along with insect repellent, allergy medicine and a cheap plastic rain poncho. Generally I wear layers. Hat, bandannas, vest, sweat jacket, windbreaker, long pants with pockets, t-shirt or turtle neck, long sleeve shirt. Don't generally wear shorts because of the insects. Mosquitoes, flies and gnats were still out up to last week. Now the weather is cool enough yet not too cold.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mequon Nature Center 5x7 acrylic on canvas

A view from 1st level of viewing tower.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some in process mini acrylic paintings on canvas

3rd ward petunias, 6x6

Mukwonago Modern Day Crosses, 7x5

Lincoln Parkway Birdbath, 6x6

MacAllister Way Pond 5x7 acrylic on canvas

Very beautiful day. Comfortable. However the golden open acrylics are taken longer to dry as there was no wind. Put my thumb on the wet painting and had to fix a spot.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Indian Head Park Plein Air Sketch 5x7 acrylic on canvas

Another sunny Fall day. At least 60 F. Didn't need gloves yet.