Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In process work & upcoming Patti Brady booksigning & talk on April 17 at Artist & Display

Been experimenting and learning on how on how to paint with acrylics. Been using Golden open acrylics and medium along with a limited palette on 18 x 24 canvases.

The picture of the mountains I originally put and blended the colors right on the canvas. Then I tried putting yellow on it, plus I didn't like the arrangement, so have basically painted over everything.

Then I started working on "Kilroy" looking over a wine bottle. Blended 2 colors to get an green under painting. Then blended some colors to get brown. Last coat is now red with a little blue in it. I find adding Golden's medium very helpful.

My 3rd acrylic experiment is just an under painting in blue thinned with Golden's medium. First I tried mixing Golden's Open acrylics with water but it looked seedy.

Golden's open acrylics are nice because they don't dry too fast and you can mix and blend right on the painting. However the downside is you have to wait overnight for them to dry to do the next layer. So it's a slower process but may outside in the wind and sun it won't be.

Patti Brady, http://www.pattibrady.com/PBBio.html , is having a free booksigning and talk about acrylics this Friday. I think I will go check it out.

Lastly here's a drawing I'm working on for my class. It's pencil, marker and colored pencil. I discovered markers will partial dissolve and blend the colored pencil.

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