Friday, December 12, 2008

Milwaukee Sketch Club is looking for new members

The Milwaukee Sketch Club meets Tuesday nights from 7:30pm - 9:30pm at St. Peter's Espicopal Church Hall, 7929 West Lincoln Ave, West Allis, WI. You enter on the south side of the church by the wheel chair ramp on 80th St. The sketching sessions are in the basement, the demos and critiques are held upstairs.

This is an non-college age crowd but they are very welcoming, supporting and generous. If you ask for help, they will give it to you.

Live models, both draped and undraped, are at the winter sketching sessions. There is a yearly fee to pay for the models but that's an added incentive to come on a regular basis. In summer we meet casually (anyone's welcome) for free plein aire sessions.

Our last session for 2008 is on 12/16 before we break for the Holidays. Our 2009 session dates are below:

1/6 - Sketch
1/13 - Demo
1/20, 27 - Sketch
2/3 - Sketch
2/10 - Critique
2/17, 24 - Sketch
3/3 - Sketch
3/10 - Demo
3/17, 24, 31 - Sketch
4/7 - Sketch
4/14 - Critique
4/21,28 - Sketch
5/5 - Sketch
5/12 - Demo

5/26 - Dinner

Here's a monotone conte sketch I did at St. John's Painting group which meets Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30pm.

1 comment:

Tom Gerber said...

I am interested in visiting one of your sessions, and perhaps joining the group. However, I would first like to speak with an active member to ask a few questions.

Please have someone call me anytime at 262-377-6996.

Alternatively I will gladly make the call myself if you provide a number.

Thank you,

Tom Gerber