Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alic Struck watercolorist's demo at Milwaukee Sketch Club

Last night Alice Struck, an award winning watercolorist, art therapist, etc. gave a demo in water colors. She uses 300# arches cold press because she likes how paint puddles on it among other things. She wets both sides and places her large sheet on a piece of plexiglass. She works flat. She started with quite an extensive line sketch. Worked from light to dark. Started with large 2"? 4"? brushes. Used a white candle and some masking fluid to preserve some light areas. Others she painted around. In places used salt. Some foliage was sponged. Used a flexible palette knife for tree trunks & branches, even for mixing paint. She says sometimes she uses a rigger. She also tilted her paper to make runs. Used paper towels for blotting. Cleaned her palette frequently. Looked like a lot of fun. Makes me want to do some watercolors.

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