Thursday, May 8, 2008

SEWPS Meeting Highlights

We're now a member with IAPS, International Association of Pastel Societies, which is bringing in additional opportunities such as the IAPS 2009 Calender Competition, the IAPS Catalog Cover Competition and the opportunity to attend their May 2009 Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We're changing our name to WPA, Wisconsin Pastel Artists, to more inclusive and include the whole state, plus it's easier to say. I really like this group. There's a lot of energy. We range from total beginners like me to established artists.

Talked to some people about how to get my artwork framed and one uses a person who moved to a frame shop in the greendale village center, but she doesn't remember the name of the shop.

Dates for upcoming events:
  • Vanishing Farm Exhibit: Entry Deadline 6/2/08, Deliver pieces 7/6, pickup pieces 8/16, Opening Reception 7/11, 6-8pm at the One Way Cafe in Wauwautosa, 1425 N. Underwood Ave.
  • Jack Richeson Tour 6/30/08, tour in morning, pleine air in the afternoon
  • WPA (Wisconsin Pastel Artists) meeting - 7/2/08
  • Open Door Gallery - United Methodist Church, Whitefish Bay, August 18- October 15, 2008
  • Schauer Art Center - Hartford WI April 4-May 17, 2009
  • Plymouth Arts Center - Gallery 110 North - 8/14-10/4, 2009
Announcements by members to check out

Plein Air Painting Competion - sponsored by The League of Milwaukee Artists, Wisconsin Painters & Sculptors and the Downer Avenue merchants Association in the historic Downer Avenue neighborhood. 30% of all sales goes to Artists Working in Education. For more info call Marie myler 414-649-8168
  • 5/23-6/1/08 Plein Air
  • 5/31/08 Silent Auction & Reception, Quick Paint Event
  • 6/1/08 Juried Exhibition Open Art Sale & Reception
The Bayview Arts Guild -
  • 5/12/08 guest speaker Colette Odya Smith
Running out of time will do a separate post about Terry.

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