Friday, September 21, 2007

Upcoming SEWPS October plein aire Workshop

Just got an email from Rick the president of SEWPS, , they're in the process of putting together an October pastel plein aire workshop. Tenative date is October 13 or 6, on the east side of Milwaukee, perhaps Lake Park near Downer ave. The instructor will be Judith Reidy, .

Rick wrote, "Judith Reidy, our pastel workshop instructor, has presented an idea to expand the workshop into a combined learning opportunity/ merchant gallery exhibit with possible sales of the resulting plein air work. The public exposure via this event would be mutually beneficial to you and our pastel society...

The exhibit aspect is dependant on the timing and cooperation of Milwaukee Downer Avenue area merchant(s), or area church(s) in the display of the workshop paintings. We are still focusing on one of two weekends, weekends of October 6 or October 13th. We hope to determine the dates and final fee soon."

This should be very interesting.

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