Friday, January 9, 2015

14x17 charcoal and conte crayon sketches from sketch club 1/6/15

The portraits were done in about 25-30 minutes. She sits very still. A good model. I'm still struggling with proportion but I noticed that she sits with her head tilted back so maybe that is throwing me off?

I'm using a slippery medium surface strathmore paper so can't built up the conte crayon. It erases somewhat and I didn't tear any holes in the paper.

It's been rather cold, about 0 degrees F with snow on the ground, so I've been taking pictures indoors. The light is not very good. It's hard not to throw shadows on the paper.

Our undraped model canceled so one of our members volunteered to model. She practices yoga and is an excellent model. These were about 20' drawings. I wish I had a bigger sketchbook with me. I find it very difficult to draw small. I like using the side of the conte crayon to block in the large general shapes before fine tuning the smaller shapes.

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