Friday, February 26, 2021

"C" hand 9x12 silky black 2/19/20


I decided to work with koh-i-noor hardtmuth "Gionconda" Silky Black 8815/1 pencil instead of the cheap plastic technical pencils I usually use. It makes a pretty nice dark and doesn't smear excessively. However you do have to keep on sharpening it which is why I usually use a technical pencil with a lead that doesn't need sharpening.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021

"A" hand 9x12 silky black 2/17/21


I was listening to Andrea Ehrnhardt's 12/28/20 Artist Academy podcast on "31 painting in 31 days" for January so I decided to start simple by sketching my hand everyday. 

Then once I've cleared some stuff off my platter I might do a daily painting challenge or not. I have some paintings and drawings in addition to some other projects I need to finish up first.

Some of her ideas for a painting challenge are

  • finish up an unfinished painting everyday
  • recreate what you enjoyed making the most
  • practice what you want to be known for; butterfly, dragonfly, animal
  • practice a medium
  • variations of an idea/ idea generation; same animal presented different ways with fun facts ( 
  • something beautiful from everyday life
Amee  hoover on instagram was given as an example.

She said to go on social media and post everyday. I'd rather go on the computer once a week and schedule out the postings.

Note that as a questioner (ref: Gretchen Ruben's "The Four Tendencies" book) I start projects whenever I feel like, not necessarily at the beginning of a month or year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Hockey Spectators 4x6 pencil 2/14/21

Took my nephew to his hockey game. Very good game. You know it's cold outside when the hockey arena feels warm. The temperature here has been 0 F and lower for a quite a while. Sketched a few spectators. Been awhile since I've been able to sketch people live. Darling little girl, probably about 3 years old, with leggings and pink cowboy boots kept coming over to see what I was drawing. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Heart Balloon 7x10 watercolor pencil 2/8/21

Watched Bobblast #345 create a loving message and was inspired to make this heart balloon for Valentine's Day

Put colored pencil shavings in a puddle of water on the paper to make texture.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Boulders 7x10 intense watercolor pencils 1//30/2021

The light hitting the boulders is what drew me to this scene.