Monday, March 30, 2020

Acrylic Color Swatches 3/24/20

 Using up some old utrecht acrylic paints

Cadmium Yellow Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Yellow Ochre
Naphthol Red Light
Quinacridone Red
Burnt Sienna
Cerulean Blue

Cadmium Yellow Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Yellow Ochre
Paynes Gray
Mars Black
Cerulean Blue
Quinacridone Red
Naphthol Red Light

(Some golden open blues - looking for right sky color)
Cerulean Blue Chromium
Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade)
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Titanium White
Mars Black
Paynes Gray

Looking for a nice purple for Iris
Utrecht Cerulean Blue
Golden Open Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade)
Ultramarine Blue
Quinacridone Red
Naphthol Red Light

Saturday, March 14, 2020

7x10 wc pencil starbucks 3/13/2020

Tempered hardwood (masonite), white spray primer with gray lightly over. Bliffert?
google translate download
corona virus, don't touch your money, give it to me.
draw over magazine figures practice

Friday, March 13, 2020

7x10 wc pencil Starbucks 3/6/20

Conversation notes:
Odd and peculiar FB, WWII letters with horizontal and vertical writing. Marcel.
DK Palacek, puts light on things
colored ink + alcohol + backside of photopaper
wisconsin painters of mud
adam, eve, practice makes better
dry section, wet section, transition

7x10 wc pencil Blind contour experiment 2/26/20