Monday, December 16, 2019

Starbucks 8.5 x 5.5 pencil 12/13/19

Mainly technical pencil at starbucks and used colored pencil later

Monday, December 9, 2019

Starbucks pencil sketches 12/6/19

Sat at different table on stools so different view and different angle.
We all love these mini computers that masquerade as a phone. A joke terry says, pretty soon it will have a gun and when you go to answer the phone you will shoot yourself in the head.

Sometimes people are curious and come up to us. We invite them to sit with us but no one has taken us up on it yet. We laugh a lot and have a good time. Today only Kent, Gary, Nancy, Terry, and me.
Took pictures of drawings outside on the cement driveway in shade. Sunny, winter day so light is blue. Tried to compensate with saturate and levels tools but would have to mess around too much to totally get rid of the blue cast.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Msc Model, 9x12 pencil 12/3/19

Took photo at MSC so there is a yellow cast. It's tradition to give sketches to the portrait model. They are always very grateful.
Wiggly model at times. After break she crossed her legs the other way but then put them back the original way after I noticed I was redrawing the legs to give her 4 legs.
Liked her shirt, tights, and shoes.