Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

4x6 pen/ pencil sketches 8/10-8/15

pencil just about always gets smudgy.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

6x8 acrylic sketch Greendale

Actually I could probably scan in these little paintings.
I scanned in the previous one and it looked pretty good.

Here's the scanned in version

Saturday, August 10, 2019

6x8 acrylic sketch wadewitz

Very pleasant day. Painting didn't get as far as I would have liked it to.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

4x6 pen sketches 7/26-28/19

 Louie moves around a lot so is hard to draw. He has a very interesting face.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Waterford Town Square 4x6 pen sketches 7/26/19

Didn't know if anyone was going. Wasn't going to go, then decided to go and take pictures. Then Terry was thinking of going. So I decided to go. Put my paints in the car but just felt like sketching. Surprise! Nancy showed up too. Had a good time.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

4x6 pen sketches 7/21-25/19

 A lot of people get fancy with their sketchbooks. I'm just trying to get something, anything down, before I have to quit.