Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Seven Bridges 6x8 acrylic 6/21/19

A very beautiful sunny day. I walked the high and low trail along the river. A lot of beauty. Finally just sat next to Tanya on the high trail and painted a sketch.

6 of us showed up; Tanya, Terry, Jim, Kent, Nila. Gary's at Oshkosh plein air. Lisa's in New York.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Heritage Farm 6x8 acrylic 6/14/19

Starting out with a light rain but by the time we left it was sunny.

10 of us showed up; Nila, Gary, Jim, Lisa, Bea, Sandy, Terry, Tanya, Kent

Felt inspired so tried to do the painting again at home but ran out of time to finish it. I played around using palette knive. I have all these beginnings of paintings hanging on the walls waiting for me to finish or gesso over. Working on a very big job from morning to night that needs to get done but still I take time out to paint on Friday.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Downtown Greendale Village Gazebo 6x8 acrylic 6/7/19

Added cerulean blue and a little alizarin crimson to my palette.

First attempt no good so wiped off and redrew in burnt sienna while watching proportions.

4 of us; Kent, Jim, Sandy

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Waterford Village Hall Park 6x8 acrylic 5/31/19

River was really high and water was rushing.
Still using cad yellow, paynes gray, burnt sienna, and titanium white.

5 of us; Kent, Lisa, Nila, and Bea. Terry introduced us to her town but couldn't stay.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hoyt Park 5/23/19

Quite a few of us showed up, Jim, Mike, Gary, Kent, Sharon, and me.
Now it seems that we have more guys coming to paint.
Beautiful day. Sunny, though it got quite windy by the time we left. No bugs.