Wednesday, January 31, 2018

expresso love cafe 9x12 pencil 1/19/18

 I really enjoyed sketching here. Lots of people. Lots of action. Lot of interior decoration.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Corner Square Bakery 1/12/18

This was the last place our sketching group went to sketch in 2017 and the first place we went in 2018.

The light is really blue in winter.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Corner Square Bakery 9x12 pencil 12/8/17

Sketching notes
Paint yourself calm in watercolor
James Gurney, Thomas Kincaid, Bob Ross, Bill Alexander
Cedarburg, Door County
Schlitz, mary deloyht arendt, prokos
youtube igor sakharov, shahrov
MAM free 1st Thursday of the month