Monday, May 15, 2017

F hand pencil sketches 5.5 x 8.5

I have been listening to old Savy Painter Podcasts and they talk about the importance of practicing/ sketching often. So decided to continue on with the sign language alphabet. I was scribbling in a hurry to get the last one done. I noticed that it got with the side of my hand because I worked all over the piece instead of working left to right. Need to remember not to drag my hand on the paper. Just using mechanical pencil.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Center Lake near Silver Lake, 6x8 acrylic 4/26/17

Used my 4 favorite colors: Paynes Gray, Hansa Yellow Opaque, Burnt Sienna, White.

Painted at a friend's house. Very beautiful there.
A lot of painting buddies showed up.