Thursday, September 8, 2016

pastel sketch from Milwaukee Sketch Club

An interesting exercise would be to change viewing location at the breaks. I should bring an easel.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

pencil sketches

Here's some pencil sketches with cheap mechanical pencil.

Some cartoons while we were sitting around up north. The guy on the left really liked his picture. He was fun to draw. People never really sit still so you have to be quick.

 We were waiting to go get ice cream so I started drawing the right hand side of the clothesline. We left before I could draw the clothesline and clothes on the left. It was fun drawing the rope.

While husband was pumping gas I quick started drawing a tree after I washed the windshield. I've been reading a lot of books about the Canadian artist Emily Carr and it was interesting to see how she drew/painted vegetation, etc.

Talking on the phone. Somewhat out of  proportion.

Thermos of hot water and instant coffee jar that husband put on the table while he was getting ready for work. I got pretty much drawn before he moved it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mwaki, 20x20" mixed media acrylic

I created this for The Martini Girls Gallery & Studio's "All Mixed Up! at the ArtBar Riverwest starting 9/9/16.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Greenfield Park Fieldhouse 8x8 acrylic 8/16/16

Very pleasant day.
Juvenile herons were fishing and a guy with a fancy camera was taking pictures of them.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wales 6x8 acrylic 7/19/16

House across the street from the pavilion. Quite a lot of bikers going past on the Glacial Drumlin Trail. Another pleasant day for painting.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Estacion 7/12/16 8x6 acrylic

Just catching up on posting.
This was a fun day. Talked with Butch the Barber in the red caboose again this year and got to meet one of the owners of Estacion. All in all a beautiful, sunny day of painting.