Thursday, July 14, 2016

East Troy Town Center 8x6 acrylic 6/27/16

A lot of interesting old buildings. The town square is pretty cool. Clean, working bathroom. While painting we saw at least 20 people of all ages in a line of bikes but not wearing biking attire go past.

Ended up finishing painting that night. Would have like to have returned with my painting buddies the following week but work interfered.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Idle Isle 6x8 acrylic 6/21/16

Perfect place to go in the morning. Nice pavilion to sit under, picnic tables, open bathrooms, etc.

Quite a few of us came.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hart Park 8x8 acrylic 6/7/16

 Only 3 of us showed up. Everyone else was at Cedarburg Plein Air.
More color mixing experiments. Now added Payne's gray and phthalo blue to the yellows to see what kind of greens I'd get.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Carol's Garden 8x6 acrylic 5/31/16

Experimented with making greens from ultramarine blue and cerulean blue mixed with my 3 cadmium yellows, primose, medium, and opaque.

We met the week before the official guide started and had a great time.

Still catching up on postings. Trying to get things posted before I get interrupted again. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Frame Park 8x6 acrylic sketch 5/24/16

Partly cloudy day but nice temperature.

Just catching up on posts again.