Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

pencil sketch, 3/9/16, phantom glen park, mukwonago

Very warm 65F day with brisk breeze coming off lake. Trees are starting to bud out.

(Same pencil sketch processed 2 ways)

 Scanned. Lighter pencil details washed out.
Photographed outside and everything appears dark and blue.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

acrylic sketches from sketch club

 Did these maybe 2 weeks ago or so. Haven't painted over them yet.

The one with multiple figures is about 16x20 or so canvas. The rest are 8x8 or less

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

pen sketches 3/6/16

2 sketches done on 3x5 notepaper but scanned in at same time. One on right was drawn first.
(The light blue lines on the notepaper do not show up when pen sketch is scanned.)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Some interesting newsletters

Caught up on skimming some newsletters. Here are some of the most interesting ones.

Also I'd like to try warm skin now available at Target for $11.99. It appears to be fragrance free on amazon but is a lot more expensive. It was mentioned by Pamela Ruschman in her blog post,

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

pen sketches 2/28/16

Sketched my boot and road while in bumpy truck on way home from biking glacial drumlin trail. Light kept changing in the truck.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

2/25/16 sketch

Quick sketch while waiting for brother and nephew after helping mom with paperwork and calling to reschedule doctor's appointment for her. Car left almost as soon as I started drawing it. We still have piles of snow here. Would be fairly warm if it wasn't for the wind.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2/24/16 sketch

Waiting at doc's office with mom. Can talk and draw but can't talk and crochet. People move so I just tried to fill page.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2/23/16 sketches

Made good time so stopped at Panera's. No big traffic jams. Panera might be a good place for sketching group to meet in the morning, have a snack, and sketch when they are not crowded.

It was very crowded and frantic dropping off SUV at Fox. Short wait for shuttle and short shuttle ride to airport shuttle spot.

 FTL airport Starbucks across from our gate. People waiting in line.

FTL airport. Waiting in line to board plane after stewardess scanned our boarding passes.

Pinkberry frozen yogurt all the way down at the other end from where we boarded. Only ice cream like place in this terminal.

Started drawing Detroit's artificial trees right before we boarded. Cousin likes to board early. Don't know why.