Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pencil Sketch T28a 12/23/14

I'm a little bit behind on posting. Been doing a sketch almost everyday.

Went through my picture pile, threw away about half and gave about half to one of my sisters to do with as she pleases. Got to make room for new creations. I read about an artist who burns his old pictures. Sounds like a fun thing to do but I think if I think the neighbors would call the fire department if I did that.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pencil Sketches a-e & 1928 Buick Touring Car in 5.5 x 8.5" sketch book

Sometimes you just got to make time to draw. These were done with a cheap mechanical pencil. The hand is live, the Buick is from a picture on a calendar.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

18 x 12 oil pastel

Struggled a bit with this. Model was excellent and sat very still. I think I like painting side views the best. I like the feel of oil pastels but they are less forgiving than acrylics and regular pastels.

Friday, December 26, 2014

18 x24 pastels

This guy was so wiggly that I just did a quick sketch then switched to the undraped side which has very short poses.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

18x12 acrylic

Still working with white, green and orange. His shirt didn't have button down collar this week. The people who were there last week noticed that.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Brookfield Square water color Sketch

about 11/7/14
We did some sketching at Brookfield square.
I'm just catching up on posting pics, so will post over a period of a few days.

9x11 watercolor sketch in multi-media book. I really enjoyed painting the stone columns.