Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Juanita, 18x12 acrylics from sketch club on 10/21 & 10/28

 I think the skin color on the face is probably more true on the first one.

The 2nd one is a side portrait and I limited my colors to 4 tubes of paint, white, orange, green, and red.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Minooka Park 8x8 acrylic 10/24/14

Overcast and about 55F. Now at the end of the Fall color season.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Some plein air pieces being submitted to Art Bar Mini Show

Here's a link to artbar exhibits

Mini Show Tiny Art at Tiny Prices
November 7 - December 28, 2014

Here's my pictures I'd like to submit

Friday, October 17, 2014

6x8 acrylic Fox River Bridge

We planned to go the Steaming cup in downtown Waukesha. However, it was pretty nice out today so I went west on Main Street and parked just before Veterans Park. I really liked the bridge. People were very friendly and nice here.

Used both yellows and both blues to make greens but still can't find the right green. No Alizarin today as trees were more yellow, brown, and green here.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Minooka park 8x8 acrylic 10/9/14

Used both yellows and alizarin crimson to get the tree colors.
along with ultramarine blue, burnt sienna and white.
I wonder if I would get a better green with cerulean blue. I'll have to try that next time.

Weather was perfect. Sunny, started out at about 50 F with a stiff breeze strong enough to blow my palette into the water. Gary couldn't keep his umbrella open and Carol bungied her umbrella so it wouldn't blow over. I wore vest and raincoat with fingerless gloves and was comfortable. Of course no bugs. This weather makes me want to be outside.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Msc model 9/30/14

Used green, orange, burnt sienna and white.
Loved his hair. It was fun to paint.

I am caught up on posting. Just in time. Have to leave now.

Friday, October 10, 2014

8x6 acrylic, Marinette Field 9/26/14

Fall colors are really good. Weather was very warm.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Roman Centurian, 12x18 acrylic, MSC model 9/16/14

One of our members is a re-enactment enthusiast and modeled for us. I liked the plume on top of the helmet.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

8x6 acrylic, Greenfield Park 9/5/14

Carol, Kim, John, and I showed up. Very pleasant day.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Some water color sketches, marinette county, labor day weekend


Used my sparkly watercolors. the brown is just the right shade for the sandy soil.

Just used my multimedia sketchbooks.
Sometimes it's just easier when traveling.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

24x18 acrylic piece exhibited at ArtBar show 9/12/14

Here's a piece I put in my friends The Martini Girls show. You had to use a paper bag. I went to the opening. The art was very interesting and excellent. I had a fun time making my piece.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

2 acrylic Sketches at Wauwatosa center down the hill from Firefly on 8/14/14

Just catching up on posting. Still managed to paint but too busy to post. Just digging out now.
Only Roger and I showed up. He went up and sat on the bridge over the river. A lot of people were there but all were very polite.